Arts South Australia and City of Prospect have recently celebrated the installation of Threads in Motion by artist Karl Meyer, in association with Exhibition Studios.
City of Prospect was selected as the 2019 recipient of Arts South Australia's Major Commission Fund (Public Art and Design) giving Karl's incredible concept, originally presented in May 2019, both the location and funding to be created.
Installed in early October 2020, and with official launch held in March 2021, this piece is located at 128 Prospect Road, Prospect, and can be viewed from Ground Floor and Level 1 during opening hours of Prospect Library and Newmarch Gallery, and also from Prospect Road at any time of the day or night.
To learn more about Threads in Motion, click here
For more information about artist Karl Meyer, click here
This project is jointly funded by Department of Premier and Cabinet (made available by Arts South Australia's Major Commission Fund) and City of Prospect.