Boundaries, No Boundaries
As school commenced in 2020, we invited the local Prospect primary schools to work with us to create the annual exhibition at Newmarch Gallery, this year Boundaries, No Boundaries.
As with all parts of our world, we have transformed this project to adapt to our new ways of creating art, and what would have been a full exhibition inside the Gallery, is now a dedicated night projection in the heart of the vibrant Prospect!
Blurring boundaries in our theme
The theme this year is no theme – a choose your own adventure as such! This exhibition is a student-led experience, and they were given full autonomy to work with their teacher or a local artist to determine their own theme and explore their own ideas. Throughout the exhibition the students and our community will see how the different schools and classes found and pushed their own artistic boundaries!
Going Digital in 2020
Not only were the students focused on the creation of their own individual pieces; each school has created a video that explores their themes and discusses their experiences, and together with the Mayor’s address, forms our ‘opening’ of the exhibition. It’s available to you throughout the exhibition. These insights are both heart warming and honest, and shows just how creative some of the youngest members of our community are.
Together with our participating local schools, we welcome you to explore the digital exhibition below including the Mayor's Welcome in our first video! Or you can visit Newmarch Gallery at 129 Prospect Road, Prospect, from sunset to sunrise to see it in person.
The Opening Night - live from Prospect Road!
The Official Welcome from our Mayor and students
The Exhibition
Boundaries, No Boundaries
Featuring art from local primary schools
Welcoming works from each year level at Blackfriars, we get a sense of the vast creative expression throughout the school. Yeas One and Two explored Monet’s beautiful garden and demonstrated their understanding through water colours. Other artists used marbles dipped in paint to create intriguing backgrounds to their self-portraits. Years Three and Four created Picasso portraits and focused on developing their practice through oil, pastels and paint. Years Five and Six delved into perspectives and have presented their work in various forms including Trapped and Glass Floor, and additionally competed the collages My Matisse.
Henry, Year 5 and Agheda, Year 4, will talk you through their exhibition and provide a more detailed insight to their various themes in this video link.
Prospect Primary School
Inspired by the theme Jungle through their Visual Art lessons, Prospect Primary School worked throughout first term creating works for the exhibition. You will find everything from colourful collages and animal portraits, to Henri Rousseau inspired artwork in oil, pastel and resin. Foundation through to Year 7 have participated in the exhibition and various mediums have been used, including found objects that really showcases how limitless a boundary can be!
You can explore the Visual Art class room with William, Year 6, who will also talk you through their exhibition pieces in this video link.
Rosary School
Exhibiting for the first time in 2020, Rosary School burst into Boundaries, No Boundaries with the inclusion of both Year Two and Year Six. Working with renowned Adelaide visual artist Leah Grant, the students discussed street art in our community, the role of galleries and how exhibitions work. The students in Year Six worked through a creative brainstorming session and decided upon the theme I see happy patterns in water and the students in Year Two I miss you and I am so excited to see you. From here they created their artworks and decided on a title for each of their pieces.
Their students provided us with an energetic showcase of their learnings and creations, including exploration of theme, patterns and colour in this video link.
The team at Newmarch Gallery would like to offer our enormous thanks to the teachers and staff at Blackfriars, Prospect Primary School and Rosary School for their support of this student-led exhibition in 2020. This year in particular presented unusual hurdles we all had to cross, and we thank you for adjusting – the end result is worth it!